Our Partners

We give a free pair of boots to every member who hits their 69th attendance record. We also get involved in events with them throughout the year.

Every November we give 5% of proceeds of all camo product sales in honor of Veteran's Day.

We create exclusive Limited Edition boots for Boot Campaign at a discount. They keep all the profits from those sales. We also sell select boots through their site, so they can receive a portion of those proceeds to help fund their work on a consistent basis.

We actively support the Knoxville chapter of Project Healing Waters. PHW was started in 2005 at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center to serve wounded military service members through therapeutic fly fishing and camaraderie. Their mission has grown into a nationwide service providing rehabilitation and transition services.
Past Events
We are always looking to get involved with our community through charities and events.
Check out some of our stories below.
Pictured: Camo Life t-shirt campaign for U.S. Vets.